So I’ve decided on top of everything else that i have in my life as a Teacher for Adults with disabilities I would now also start a bit of a blog. I am know in the office as the person that bites off as much as she can chew, and if that doesn’t give me a bad rap for all the things that tumble in my head nothing will.
Over the last few weeks I have been trying to catch up with all my annual training thats required to stay a wedding celebrant. Yep its school for dummies! well thats what I call it anyway.
Because I have been studying death and dying (not in a morbid way), I’ve decided to start my own blog. I’ve tried many many times before and usually i have failed, and or give up, but this is my last attempt to get something on the web that might have some structure for when my life is over. Now I admit that im not be best speller as i tend to write as i think and that too much. So ill try and make some sense as i go along, but you will have to forgive me on the spelling and punctuation part.
I really wasn’t sure where to start as most peoples blogs are written more relevant to a particular subjects and I have so many things I dabble in I consider myself almost to have a hidden multiple personality. But I assure you, the multiple tasks are really just an extension of my work life and history to make a living and have some food on the table.
As I spend my wonderful 40’s its hard to look back, as I really hate thinking about the parts of life that i hated, the only comfort at this point in my life is that i can make peace about it, and start to talk about it and perhaps even share it. I think this has become more comfortable in this era of my life as now being a celebrant, a bit of a coach, a teacher, a drag queen, a chef, a hairdresser and a whole lot more, i mostly become most parts a councilor or better a person who can listen, share and develop conversation and thinking.
Yes I am a open book, perhaps far too much, I really hate lying, of course I do, but mostly little lies. Oh it has got me into so much hot water, but the look of shock and unbelief when approached through out my years, and accused of lying to a room that looks at me and say’s She’s Not Lying, it really is the truth. My work place is a whole new meaning when it comes to political correctness, and when I was a aspiring hairdresser, the voices from the teacher clearly forecasting that you must never talk politics, or personal issues to a customer. Yer right as if.